Friday, March 1, 2013

Review: Keturah and Lord Death

Title: Keturah and Lord Death
Author: Martine Leavitt
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Front Street
Released: 2006
Pages: 216

Rating - 6 out of 10

This was an unusual, sensitively written story about an innocent young farm girl, Keturah, who makes a bargain with the Lord Death after coming upon him in the woods one day. He tells her that if she can find her own true love in three days, he will allow her to live. However, Keturah finds herself falling in love with Death instead, despite the impossibility of their match.

This creative book was nice, escapism sort of read. The writing style is simple and concise, sweet and rustic. It's not perfect, but I really enjoyed it.

There were some elements of the story that seemed to not add up; at times I got the impression that the author did not bother to edit very thoroughly. Also, the character of Keturah is portrayed as the ultimate goody-two-shoes, fickle, silly young girl - yet the book repeatedly describes her as "wise" or, "mature beyond her years." If this is the impression she was supposed to have made upon the reader, it was not very successful.

However, despite some errors, they are all quite minor, and Keturah is bearable despite her stupidity. I absolutely loved the supporting character of Lord Death.
The author certainly took on an immensely difficult task in shaping the element of death and dying into love and romance. This book is romantic without being lewd, and I would completely recommend it to middle school children and up.
A highly unusual and beautiful book.

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