Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Review: A Flea in Her Ear by Georges Feydeau

Title: A Flea in Her Ear
Author: Georges Feydeau
Genre: Plays / Comedy
Publisher: Samuel French, Inc.
Published: 1907 (as La Puce à l'oreille)
Pages: 160

Rating - 9 out of 10

 This little play really surprised me! My edition gave me no clue as to its content, though I was able to distantly recall the name Feydeau as being related to the Bell Epoque era.
This farce proved impossible to put down once I started it, and I devoured it in one sitting.
The characters are distinctive and memorable - my favorites being a man with a speech impediment, a crazed jealous Spaniard, and an arrogant, flirtatious husband.
Witty dialogue, fast paced scenes of confusion and uproar, and a plot full of trickery, impersonations, mistaken identity, and investigations make this play unforgettable.
In "A Flea in Her Ear," a wife suspects her husband of being unfaithful, so she writes him a seductive love letter from an invented 'other woman,' to test his reaction. From there, all sorts of mistaken meanings, identities and intentions make for a wild adventure.
Typically French, this book is endlessly clever and full of sharp humor, as well as plenty of suggestive laughs that often do more than just suggest.
A favorite! I will certainly be reading more of Georges Feydeau.

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